Being absolute, Universal Mind is present everywhere at the same time and at every point, in Its entirety. Rather, these can only be, so-to-say, brought into action, through what might be called a specialized working of the Principle of Life, i.e., said Principle working under special conditions, which are not spontaneously provided by Nature.From the previous discussion involving "Thought Power", the concept of the Macrocosm and the Microcosm was first introduced. How is this possible? And, if the Universal Mind itself displayed Personality, or Individuality, then it would be distinguished from some one or something outside of itself. In a word, Yes.The solution is that, just as Matter may be said to be "projected" by Universal Mind, so also the Individual Mind may be said to be "projected" by Universal Mind, which in turn leads to the conclusion that each Individual Mind must, via the action of the physical senses, register the same projection of Matter, at the same time and in the same place. Well, the whole Universe is an atomic living hologram, with each microcosmic aspect of the hologram a reflection of Macrocosm, with infinitely diverse variety yet all of the same essence. Fortunately, it has been postulated by many of those authorities referred to previously, that Universal Mind may operate in the particular world of an individual, by, so-to-say, operating through the individual, who is the central entity of his or her individual or particular world. Man is made of three components. The universal mind of God is a sea of consciousness that you are part of, and holds answers to just about anything you can think of to ask. Our LIFE! Principle of Life. The connectivity of mind to mind, and of mind to Nature/God, is as real and concrete as material existence. I know that my purpose in life is to reach ever upward and outward, to expand in knowledge and love and unity. God, or Creator’s mind, however, is a living energy of creation that uses the wisdom of the Universal Mind to create the reality of the user. This is what one might call the mind of God. Those same authorities also, in the own respective ways, reached the conclusion that Life(-in-Itself) can only have one motive - namely, to express itself. Man is to rule his world like God governs the universe. Rather, it may be taken that, for all practical purposes, the Individual Mind perpetually remains connected to the Universal Mind. Rather, is the logical and scientific conclusion reached by every philosophical or religious system which has ever sought to arrive at a sensible answer to an all-important question.That question being: How did Life originate?So-to-say, working backwards from physical matter, as we commonly know it, we "regress" through molecules, atoms, "quarks" or various sub-atomic particles, until (philosophically) we arrive at the Original Substance (also referred to as Ether). Similarly, Time may be defined as the period occupied by a body, in passing from one given point in space to another - it should be noted that this is merely one of many definitions. God in the macro cosmos, Humans in the microcosmos. 3, 4 and 5. As a plant in the earth so I grow in God. “Pause for a moment and make contact with your real self… access the place of deep peace and wisdom whenever you choose”-Mary Morrissey All memory is recorded for playback in the space and matter atoms where the experience takes place, and your body’s brain and nervous system is telepathically activated to draw thought force into your consciousness from the space territory where it happened. UPDATED: 15 JAN 2021. It is the UNIVERSAL MIND! are manifestations of this one idea, created in the Mind of God, the Universal Mind. God and the Universal Mind. This is one of the great revelations awaiting humanity. Being Infinite or limitless implies that it is inexhaustible. But if Universal Mind is infinite or limitless, it is therefore equally present in its entirety, at any and every point of space. In the scientific world we know of the Unified Field, in spiritual philosophy we refer to The All or Universal Consciousness and in religion we call upon God who Himself goes by many names – Jehovah, Allah, Chukwu, Eledumare and Osanobua to mention but a few. the mind of God is to love....we ALL need to become less judgmental, more be loving is the hardest thing of all yet that's mainly what Jesus wants us to be cos He is loving...Jesus turned the other cheek, prayed for His murderers..told us to love our enemies cos He loves His enemies. The possibility of the existence of everything proceeds the existence of everything. Cosmic Consciousness, Universal Mind, and your Higher Self. The following is a relatively short article giving a brief take on the Universal Mind which runs parallel to the contents of this discourse, and therefore, may serve as a starting-point for further reference and/or research - with particular reference to some(if not all) of the additional links on that page. 12 likes. We, as God’s sons and daughters, create our reality both metaphysically and physically by the power of our minds. 2011 Metaphysical Revelations. Wednesday, 14 March 2018. The entire universe was created by the thought of God. Clicking the link will open a new browser window: Copyright © Subscribe to our email newsletter for a look at the latest news and media on the Some people imagine “God” to be some ephemeral spirit or mythological being that is outside of themselves. All Rights Reserved. CONSCIOUS IDEA.--No two ideas are alike. T here is one Universal Mind that is the single Consciousness pervading the entire Universe. Now we look at the God mind, that is as well all minds and thoughts together but it has awareness and consciousness. Universal Mind may therefore be said to be impersonal, i.e., devoid of individual personality. While it may not be the place of this author to tell anyone else what to believe, there is at least one simple fact that renders that argument effectively null and void. Each atom in this field is an infinitely powerful, sub-miniature recording and broadcasting studio, operating multidimensionally on all levels. God is responsive to all who approach Him, and God is the Element of Personalness back of all personality. (Although defining and compartmentalizing God is an oxymoron, let us put that consideration aside for now.) So the answer is God is universal mind and the act of being in which that participates is the ground of all being. There are, of course, other propositions, but in all likelihood, they will be considered in other sections as the inquirer progresses.In addition, the inquirer might be inclined to consider much of what has been stated up to this point to be merely abstract concepts, and he or she might question whether they have any practical bearing in the so-called "real" world. What causes the sun to shine or the rain to fall, or the seeds to grow into wonderful, living organisms? Rather, it had its origin in something that, as another put it, though it works in and through the particles of which Substance is ultimately composed, is not those particles themselves. Simply put, when you look out at the physical Universe, you look into one level of Universal Mind Consciousness or the Mind of God. Who shall define to me an Individual? UPDATED: 15 JAN 2021. Continued use of this site indicates consent. Then, if you stay objective, the idea expressing the other pole will eventually flash in your head as well. His point was that maybe it is our purpose only to contemplate and appreciate the mind of God. Historically, for versions of this theory where God has ceased to exist or to act as a separate and conscious entity, some have used the term pandeism, which combines aspects of pantheism … A universal consciousness. However, by virtue of the observation that each and every human being - which one might recall, may be considered an Individualization of the Universal Mind - displays a particular Personality or Individuality, which distinguishes one person from another, it can also be reasoned that Universal Mind contains within itself, the elements that may be said to constitute Personality, without those elements combining to form any distinct individual identity. Since God has always existed and thought, the laws of mathematics are also eternal, existing before people. People from various walks of lives have given the Universal Mind all kinds of names: God, Allah, Supreme Being, Higher Power, the Unified Field, etc. On the contrary, Time and Space may be considered the primary governing factors which exist - or again, subsist - in a certain plane of being. I place my future in divine hands. IT, the Infinite Trinity of Universal Creative Intelligence, is in us and with us as living Cosmic spirit. Simply put, God’s Universal Mind is in space, ITs living consciousness is broadcasting inspired, creative thought through us via the centers of the atoms in all Creation. On the basis of that theory being actually true, then no two persons should ever register the existence of the same object, at the same time, and in the same place. These names, however, all aptly describe what this third aspect of mind is, namely the Ultimate Source, the eternal and limitless well-spring of every single reality that you can conceive. It relates to the left hemisphere of the brain. Just as a bucket of seawater, collected from a particular location of the ocean, remains a part of that body of water, and demonstrates the same chemical composition, saline level, etc., so the Individual Mind retains and demonstrates the powers, properties and qualities that exist - or rather, subsist - in the Universal Mind. And as we speak the words and do the deeds, the “words go forth to fulfill the things for which they are sent and do not return to us void.”. The Whole of Creation is a vast living idea, the ONE Idea with infinite variations. It is only the ego that is thinking it is doing the thinking. The Creative Mind of the Universe, being Infinite, thinks of a limitless number of things, and each thing is, therefore, separate and distinct in … And again, if it was not Eternal, it would sooner or later be exhausted.The reader is free to investigate for themself, but they will likely arrive at the same conclusion - that the only postulation of this Original Power which, so-to-say, "makes sense", is that it is both Infinite and Eternal.Another interesting point which arises out of the preceding is that, because this Original Power - which, for brevity, will be referred to here most often as either Universal Mind or Spirit - is both Infinite and Eternal, it is a logical inference that Universal Mind exists - or to be more precise, subsists - independently of Time and Space.Space may be defined as the boundless, three-dimensional extent in which physical objects exist and physical events occur, and have relative position and direction. Telepathy always functions in the trinity energies. Electro-Magnetic Field of Planetary-Solar Consciousness. Learn how to connect to the universal mind. You take your thoughts from the limitless reaches of the Universal Mind, never from the world around you. I behold with awe & delight many illustrations of the One Universal Mind. The individual mind is connected to the universal mind by thought. As stated before, Life contains an infinite number of as-yet unrevealed possibilities and potentialities, but these will not be revealed, through the working of generic tendencies, i.e., conditions for the operation of the Principle of Life, which have been spontaneously provided by Nature. In answer to the question: "How did the Original Substance come into being? It is the power of the universal mind that is accessible by everyone without exception. Our purpose is communicating the channelings of The, Galactic Science: the Dynadran Power Unit. For anything to exist, it must be possible beforehand for it to exist. And freedom is the name of the game here on this planet, known as Placentia-planet of plenty and rebirth on the star maps of ETI Space Beings. I see my being imbedded in it. This principle, which science seems to be edging very close to finally explaining, considers God to be a universal, infinite living mind, which we exist inside of, yet are also a part of. The Creative Mind of the Universe, being Infinite, thinks of a limitless number of things, and each thing is, therefore, separate and distinct in the great Whole. As a simple example, two people might look at the same physical object, but, in accordance with that theory, the image that registers in their separate minds would be totally different. In the Hindu Purânas (see Vishnu Purâna) Mahat is identical with Brahmâ, the creative God, the first in the trinitarian group of Brahmâ, Vishnu and Siva. These ideas flow through us in spirit as microcosms, coming from Macrocosm. First Cause. Simply put, God’s Universal Mind is in space, ITs living consciousness is broadcasting inspired, creative thought through us via the centers of the atoms in all Creation. Universal mind or universal consciousness is a metaphysical concept suggesting an underlying essence of all being and becoming in the universe. Macrocosm is in microcosms and microcosms are in Macrocosm. The universal aspect of God is the realm of inspiration, creativity and genius. Likewise, if this Original Power was not Eternal, then what was it that brought it into being, if nothing existed before it? It is the UNIVERSAL MIND! Universal Mind therefore may be said to constitute a "template" for the formation and operation of the Individual Mind.It should be emphasized (and it will likely be re-iterated in the discussion on the Human Mind) that the Individualization of the Universal Mind does not imply breaking off a portion of the Universal Mind to establish an Individual Mind. Today I thought I’d share some more of the teachings of Jesus, Krishna, Buddha and Lao Tzu from the same book I quoted yesterday. That other plane of being is often referred to as the plane of the Absolute, of the Un-conditioned, or of the Abstract.It should be emphasized that the relation between these planes of being is not one of direct opposition, but one of polar opposition - in the same way that an electric battery must have both a positive and a negative terminal, or a magnet must have both a north and a south pole. The physical dimension is but one level in the Mind of God or Universal Consciousness. These and many other names or titles have been put forth by religion and philosophy to define and describe that Original Power which, according to their various tenets, lies behind and at the back of the creation and sustaining of all that exists.Going further, it can be demonstrated that the idea of an Original Power is not a mere theological invention. Retrieve information and guidance from the universal mind. In most situations, first one pole of the mind energy flashes in your head, either alpha or beta. In his letter to the Corinthian church, the apostle Paul makes very clear about what we can know about the mind and will of God. The Universal Mind goes by many names. God is responsive to all who approach Him, and God is the Element of Personalness back of all personality. According to Einstein’s special theory, time slows down when we travel faster and near massive gravity like a black hole. My soul guided me to the chapter on God, Tao and Universal Mind, page 50-51: JESUS God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. The Universal Mind Channeled By Joseph Antaree. In Hinduism, Mahat is described as both "the great principle" and the source of selfishness. WE BELIEVE in the healing of the sick and control of conditions through the power of this Mind. And we, as humans, cannot comprehend or even experience this Universal consciousness any more than an individual neuron can experience our human consciousness. Our lives can potentially testify to the virtues of God which lay hidden within us, if we follow God’s prophets. And here we meet with something very interesting, and (as we may discover later on) very significant in respect of the relation that exists between Universal Mind and the Individual Mind. GOD. Knowing that the spirit-energy of the Cosmos is flowing through us as living ideas, creating all that IS. It is this last component that intrigues me. And the factor which is presently under scrutiny is that attribute known as, Personality.Now, Personality has, as but one of its many definitions: the quality of being a person; existence as a self-conscious human being; personal identity. It can always see the two sides of any issue, and uses intuition as well as logic. It all means the same thing: the space about the planet is alive, and filled with resonant vibrating energy containing the sum total of all thought, words and actions that have occurred in and around this world. As the first manifestation of The Absolute or God, Its inherent nature is All-Knowing, All-Powerful, All-Creative and All-Present. It’s referenced in the Bible as the Book of Life. THE MASTERS ON GOD, TAO AND UNIVERSAL MIND. Universal Mind. A simple example is the fact that generations of people have observed such marvels of the world as the Great Pyramid in Egypt, the Grand Canyon in the United States, London Bridge, and others, and even before the advent of photography, they all described the same object in generally the same manner. The Universal Mind One Universal Mind Journal, May 26, 1837 Edited by Peter Y. Chou But then universe and God would have to be the same thing. The planet has an atomic field of energy surrounding it which has been called its akashic records, the mind bank, the electromagnetic field, morphogenetic field, or other names. That particular plane of being has been defined by many names - the plane of the Relative, of the Conditioned, or of the Concrete. And since the Principle (Source) of Life has been postulated to be Infinite and Eternal, then it can also be postulated that the expression of Life must be both an Infinite and Eternal progression - in more simpler terms, there is NO LIMIT to the possibilities for expression which are contained in Life, and which may be expressed - even if at our present stage of existence, we may not be able to comprehend some of those possibilities.But as a result of careful observation, those same authorities also reached the conclusion, that, while Life contains in itself an infinite variety of possibilities and potentialities, even up to the present day, it has not yet exhausted that variety, by any means. The belief that God became the Universe is a theological doctrine that has been developed several times historically, and holds that the creator of the universe actually became the universe. Life is all happening in MIND. Being absolute, Universal Mind is present everywhere at the same time and at every point, in Its entirety. Also, this plane does not exist as an independent entity - it exists as a compliment or polar opposite to another plane of being - one which is independent of Time and Space. Or in even simpler terms, a box must have both an inside as well as an outside, if it is to exist as a box. These also relate to the 3 parts of the atom: proton, electron and neutron. This resonant etheric field surrounding the planet is where thought is recorded and stored for future playback. The short answer is this: When you serve without giving thought to the reward, God-The-Universe acts thru you and transformation happens automatically. ", a little consideration would reveal that Substance did not and could not have come into being, on its own account. CONSCIOUS IDEA.--No two ideas are alike. All the galaxies, stars, planets, etc. The Synthesis is Spirit God acting through us. It belongs to the Earth. GMN Video Library →, HOME • BOOKS • ARTICLES • AUDIO • VIDEO • GALLERY • CONTACT. And, as mentioned in the discussion on "Mind Power", Universal Mind does this by becoming Individualized, i.e., creating a miniature reproduction of itself, in the particular world of the individual. This is in accordance with the simple truth that, where two factors are originated from one common source, the relations between the factors themselves is an absolute fact, in respect of the factors themselves. We create our whole life with the help of God’s own spirit, the universal mind, intuition, but most by default. Galactic Messenger Network, New Order for the Ages – OWFC Filmed on 20 June 2015; published on 26 June 2015Previous title: The Universal Mind of God . This law of averages allows for the advance of all species of living organisms, without giving any consideration to any individual entity. The preceding are examples of the existence and providence of a universal principle referred to as the Law of Polarity, which, in summary, states that everything has a polar opposite. IT, the Infinite Trinity of Universal Creative Intelligence, is in us and with us as living Cosmic spirit. So it is, that we have before us at least three important propositions that are associated with that Original Creative Power, referred to here as Spirit or Universal Mind - in no specific order, its Infinite and Eternal nature, its acting as a template or model for the formation of the Individual Mind, and, by virtue of both Physical Matter as well as the Individual Mind being creations of it, we have a basis for accepting that Matter is a reality, and not an illusion. And, through the physical instruments of today’s science, the further out into the farthest reaches of the Universe you look, the deeper into your own consciousness you can enter. Principle of Life. Just as it would be considered foolhardy, if not dangerous, to construct a building on some area of land without a suitable foundation to support it, it would be equally foolhardy and dangerous to become aware of much of the so-called "deeper" knowledge of this subject, without a foundation to provide adequate support. And without going into myriad details of psychology and kindred studies, this can be observed as existing in so-called "real" life. IT IS all here and now in this eternal moment. Christine talks about how the universe is inside you, what the noosphere definition is of humanity and what is the universal mind frequency of God. We are Living Spirit, as souls in bodies, and we are free to live the truth. This Universal Life and Energy finds an outlet in and through all that is energized, and through everything that lives. When the Synthesis thought flashes in your head you have the experience of “seeing the truth.” The Synthesis is always complete, and reveals the way of creative action. This observation of the generic operation of the Life-Principle was succinctly summed up by Lord Alfred Tennyson, by this excerpt from his work: "In Memoriam" (published 1850): "Are God and Nature then at strife,That Nature lends such evil dreams?So careful of the type she seems,So careless of the single life;That I, considering everywhereHer secret meaning in her deeds,And finding that of fifty seedsShe often brings but one to bear,". Mahat [is] the Universal Cosmic Mind. This is what it means to be free: giving up the ego of separation in the thinking mind to be one with the Universal Mind of Creation Universe in the eternal Here and Now, fully and completely.