If there arent many enemies in the area Traverse Fire acts as your main small group tool of choice which is quite flexible with other abilities, and Demolition provides a nice anti-cover approach as well. The only weaknesses of this soldier is they will burn through ammo very quickly, and if an enemy so much as scratches the soldier the suppression is removed instantly which can knock a fair amount of man-power out of your squad. 600+ hrs. Grenade, Special Ammo, Armour. Sharpshooters get pistols. After you have this core, you can focus on building story-related projects or expanding things like Resistance Comms and Laboratories. XCOM 2 - All Long War 2 Classes in Steam Workshop. While Heat Warheads may seem tempting, there are more suitable perks for other soldiers to deal with armour and you lose a lot of potential damage from Tandem Warheads that may stop a Grenadier from inflicting lethal damage on certain enemies. Death from Above, Damn Good Ground, Long watch, Centre Mass, Aggression, Hunters Instinct's, Serial. Attachments: Research in Long War 2 has been expanded with two more weapon tier techs, one more autopsy, and more Proving Grounds projects unlocked by autopsies.. Unlocked items in bold don't need any other project, while items in italics need another research or Proving Grounds project to be fully … Attachments: Demolition Grenadier: This perk tree is purely catered towards removing the cover that many enemies use and/or doing tremendous amounts of area damage. The Technical’s value depends entirely on the use of their cover-busting rocket and their debilitating flamer; this build makes the best of both their strengths while trading out their weaknesses. Close Encounters may not be usable with Run and Gun but it can be used against foes within 4 tiles as long as the Assaulter hasnt used the ability and is close enough to the target, allowing for two attacks. While Rapid Targeting may seem the more Logical perk to choose at Lcpl rank, it operates on a multiple turn cooldown, only affects one enemy and stops a Sharpshooter from giving his/her fair share of sniping with Death from Above. The upcoming (still no concrete release date announced there) XCOM 2 mod Long War 2 will apparently be making some fairly significant changes to the game’s strategic layer. It allows for soldiers to rapidly recover from injuries and allows them to gain bonus abilities or retrain their current ones. Expand into 1-2 additional regions. While Serial operates on a very long cooldown, a well-timed Serial in conjunction with other XCOM operatives can potentially swing a bad situation into your favour. In theXCOM 2: War of the Chosenexpansion, this facility cannot be built as its functions arereplaced by two new rooms: the Infirmary and theTraining Center. Death from Above, Hi-Def Holo, Long watch, Independent Tracking, Vital Point Targeting, Multi-Targeting. Long War 2’s main focus is a massive overhaul of the strategy layer, providing a significant revamp to the depth and complexity of your activities in XCOM 2’s geoscape. Incredibly lethal as they rank and learn the very wanted Hunter's Instinct and Serial. Flash grenades (which become stinger grenades) at higher ranks are much more effective, since they gain the ability to stun an enemy for 1 round, and this effect can stack with multiple grenades although the disorient does not. Ghost Grenade is another very tempting perk but is only useful in specific situations and doesn't outweigh the extra area of effect the support grenades get from Volatile Mix. Support Grenadier: This tree focuses on providing support for fellow X-COM soldiers, or inflicting debilitating effects on large groups of enemies. I always pick up the Gurilla Tactics School - everything about that facility screams early game advantage. Power Relay- Powers the remaining rooms. It doesn't make that much a difference for just 2-3 light wounds, but if you get a few heavy wounds it quickly becomes a must-have as you don't want your soldiers to be kept from the fights for too long, and long war 2 really increased the wound times. Here’s one recommended build order, though you should feel free to make changes as needed. In my most recent Long War 2 (LW2 v1.4, Veteran) things went well, I prioritized liberation missions and I was able to finish liberating my first region in mid June on the in-game calendar. Create a sniper team with another soldier to provide proximity security and close-range flanking assistance. Anybody that tries to move will invoke the wrath of this overwatch-heavy soldier, and with an extra 25% damage and the ability to crit they can deal a lot of damage in a short space of time. Tank class, on the other hand, does tanking naturally (And with the help of some nice perks). Special Ammo, Flash bang, Armour, Lightning Reflexes, Trench Gun, Killer Instinct, Extra Conditioning, Close Encounters, Close Combat Specialist, Street Sweeper. Description: Long War 2 is a significant overhaul of XCOM 2 aimed at giving players the feel of running a worldwide guerrilla war against ADVENT and offering them a greater variety of strategic and tactical experiences. My path usually is GTS, AWC (can be switched around with GTS depending on the first missions injuries and if the starting empty spot is on the sides or nor), power relay and then the proving ground (mostly because the proving ground projects cost quite a bit, so I usually can't use it if I build it earlier anyway). At the very least this will significantly decrease the accuracy of enemies with area suppression, or even take shots at ALL enemies in vision range with Kill zone. Building order is situational but in general a GTS and an AWC are somehow "must haves". Suppressor, Hair Trigger, Expanded Magazine, Abilities: The way I've been going is guerilla training proving grounds psi lab is this a good order? Their choice between Rupture or Kill-zone can further enhance their single target lethality or give this gunner more options for taking on multiple enemies at once. In order to get the best out of your squad, you have to build each member so the squad overall is balanced and can successfully everything the large variety of aliens throw at it. This research allows you to build the Mag Cannon and the Gauss Rifle. The best part of War of the Chosen is that it opens up a lot of flexibility for players, both on the battlefield and in the way you build out your base. There are two paths to a Grenadier and these are the paths as displayed by the abilities above. Attachments: No, you just need to research and build them. This research will unlock the Nanoscale Vest and open up the Plated Armor research. Summary: This perk tree trades armor and versatility for sheer damage output and manoeuvreability. © Valve Corporation. After many restarts and dismal failures I did it ; Legendary Ironman XCOM 2 complete! Those who can live without Long Watch could also take Phantom instead to allow for the Sharpshooter to continue stealth operations and marking out targets without too much fear of detection, and instead of aggression, one could pick Conceal to make for a true stealthy Sharpshooter. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.