A Libra man and Gemini woman have high marriage compatibility. You develop an attitude of Zen-like “is-ness” about your partnership. I wish I’d gone with my instincts and run that day and this time my instincts are telling me that my current BF is the right one…..I just long for the surprise….Is that too much to ask for? Scorpio doesn't like roadblocks. Several things in the relationship may have already taken place, but he doesn't want to put it down on a contract till he knows the relationship is ironclad. He is easily driven by passion, but often fails to stay loyal to his spouse. He likes order, not chaos. Then I kept catching him potentially cheating on me when he left an internet page up and I read his messages. Many of the Sagittarius folk I know though wait so long to express their feelings that their partner moves on to someone else -- then in a rush of feelings they try to win back their sweetheart, who honestly can't take the delays anymore. A compliment from him burns my ears, makes me weak, from others I’ve always just not cared or listened unless they were family and they are just being nice because thy are family right? The Libra isn't taking things for granted, but likes to be properly sorted. Talk to her. Of course I was not gonna show my feelings to this untrusty guy. It will be about the time you are sick of relationships, and are making plans to live alone with a few kicks and very low expectations then BLAM!!! Capricorn will take his time getting to know someone. Adultery is definitely not OK, but from my point of view, it’s PERSONAL. That’s paraphrasing it. If he finds you to be a dreamy person with a degree of intuition yourself, he'll likely go forward with pursuing an engagement. Scorpios propose fast. And once he figures himself out -- then and only then can he open himself up to a marriage. Her husband knows this and will make her a romantic proposal this year 2021 that Libra will not soon forget. English; हिन्दी; ગુજરાતી; Help . Libras need balance in their life we hate drama, lies, and to be cheated on. He didn't want you to do it. As the lion commands his roar -- so too will he command his place in the world. I’m pretty much believing in the idea that marriage, is damn near impossible for me. Signs that are square each other often have more trouble because of their … This was around the same time I found out about the cheating… which was back in March of last year. Our partner enters the relationship with an often different set of expectations. Well…. I want to give you advice.. and i want to make this clear..Our GOD loves you fro being a sacrificing woman. If you aren't careful, your relationship could hit the rocks quickly during the year … Never wanted or want to leave him tho. Anyway he stood by me and his mother came in between as well as everybody else, I wasent right for him. He likely believes he received a sign from heaven before taking you on a date, now he is waiting for some sign in the clouds, his dreams, or his tea cup before he proceeds. Its been 7 months since we met, it feels like I’ve always known him, anyways our relationship is getting better we never argue, we talk about everything, there isn’t anything I can’t tell him and vice versa. He’s not the first Aquarian to refer to me as his life partner or mate or wife….He actually called me his wife in front of his friends already…I love him and his devotion but I wish my love life had a few surprises sometimes…Oh well. Catrina – I’ve never dated a Libra man but if their traits are anything like you describe I can see why Libra and Aquarius are said to be a good combination. He might start probing you with the most random questions -- like the exact number of distant family members you have and whether they like chicken or beef. Gemini almost wants to be surprised himself. Libra is kind of like Gemini in this regard, except rather than being unpredictable, he gets lost in an equation of to be or not to be. He probably will decide that marriage is what he wants eventually, as by nature he’s quite traditional. Aries might just take you to a jewelry shop and say pick out whatever you want and then we'll pick out a date -- or just elope. What should I do? He has an interest in building a long-lasting relationship. So much so that it will ease her usual fears about settling down with just one person. If he gets deliverance and cleaned up..stays in the WORD of GOD ..stay as a family in church.. You have a fighting chance try hard because marrying this man will break the curse of “bastard” upon your child.. And most people won't wait for an Aquarius to reveal his true artistic coloring, so he might just avoid proposing altogether out of fear of embarrassment. Cancer constantly feels the ground shifting all around him. Therefore, the woman in the zodiac sign Libra sees marriage as the perfect way to bind this man to her. A Libra man and Libra woman may be slow to marry as well. THE only thing I know is that I had his heart AND I will always cherished as the only man I EVER LOVED!. Even though Scorpio is turned on by a self-controlled person, it also angers him if people have an ounce of passion and don't use it. are you referring to a virgo gal or male? Guess what, the guy I’m engaged to now and my mom like each other, and he is super good to my son & me. The Capricorn proposal will likely come over a romantic dinner or outing. They figure let's get married and we can figure out all the other stuff later. You're going to have to hold your horses if you're dating a Sagittarius. He have changed so much as well as me. This is someone who would likely use a vacation to propose. 7 Zodiac Signs That Will Be Lucky in Love in 2021 ARIES. I would have stuck it out even though I didnt love the guy but he turned on our child so when he left, I was happy….I think a lot of Libras expecially should stop marrying out of GUILT, OBLIGATION or just to have someone, thats why the problems happen. Libra is an Air sign, and this element concerns the mental realm. The Sagittarius is a very social creature. THE POINT that he checked on me with a call and from there he never called. Leo is also fairly impulsive about proposing. According to Yearly Horoscope 2021, the wait is over! Anyways he has changed me, damn it, LOL I belong to him….and I’m not scared?!?! Learn how your comment data is processed. any other Libra women married to a loving Aqua Man? It victimizes the spouse of the adulterer. I have an interest in astrology that flies over the basic and into the actual intent of the concepts. Many Cancers don't feel like they quite connect with this world and that something just seems to be off. Some examples: Your spouse is #1, and you will end any secondary relationships if they threaten your primary one. He does have a big ego though, so proposing to your Leo boyfriend might annoy him -- and you may never hear the end of it. And sometimes after these talks, you simply agree to disagree, decide you’ll try to find a middle ground, or just accept that there’s a major incompatibility. I love him so much that I lost the will to flirt with people, he thinks i still flirt but I don’t. If you are an Aries, you will finally find the … The sensual aspect of the Libra Man Taurus Woman in bed will be purely magical. Libra is an Air sign, and this element concerns the mental realm. I agree with you about the virgo man, he needs to do some serious changing. Those born in this zodiac sign will find their great love in 2021. YET THE LORD will correct that if you pray on it without marrying that man. A proposal is what Scorpio has been waiting to do his entire life. Not all of us our “flakey” like we get called. I’m too loyal. While his zodiac predecessor, the Cancer man, would love this. He doesn't do well with someone telling him what to do and how to fit it into some greater whole. Instead the Aquarius needs reassurance, a peace about the relationship -- and the stomach butterflies to be at a minimum. He tells everyone the sweetest things about me and my god, he is the first person that ever made me blush. He will do things on a timeline. If he has been with you for long then half the battle is already fought. So Aries isn't really one to wait to propose. Although Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, goddess of love, this sign approaches love via the intellect. Hywel Davies The bond between a Libra man and a Virgo woman can very well be possible, but it will most likely be riddled with issues. Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces and the higher octave of Venus. A Libra not in love is a dark and strange thing. He was in love with a girl.. who had a hold on him for a long time.. even when we first got together. IF NOT.. if it isn’t working… I’ll try to look forward to a new year and a new beginning.. without US. He is terrible at doing this. Libra’s can be the most loving faithful partner you could have. Libra assumes you are on the same page with him about romance. They tend to work well in a group than in independent setups. Aquarius feels like a thousand butterflies live in his stomach when it comes to romance. There is great possibility for the Libra man Aries woman love compatibility to work wonders for this love match. He isn't sure who to take guidance from when it comes to a proposal because no one does it like he does. He wantede to get marry and I wasnt ready and I thought he wasnt either Im older than him for 10 years. An Aries person likes to go forward into the world, not sit around reflecting and pontificating for the sake of it. Wow… could a past relationship have anything to do with his peronality. Taurus is the kind to plan out a romantic dinner for two, come up with something idyllic rather than bland. We may put on a happy smile but deep inside Libra’s are hurt we just don’t show it. Good luck in your romantic pairing, and hopefully wedding bells are in the not-too-distant future. He'll clue some of your friends into the mission so he can get some help. Well when he cried he said he wished he knew me before he met her. It is rarely enforced, but it does punctuate the importance of the marriage contract. I know what I’m getting, just a chance to be with my best friend everyday, never having to say goodbye every night just being home together, its not a soap opera, I’ve never watched them anyways ew! Well… I shut their conversing out when I seen a text from him to her saying “I love you wifee and kiss my daughter” I told him about hisself…He told me he has to “ACT” like that with her in order to see his daughter and talk to her. Just wanted to share that for sum reason. I know that most Aqua men are distant and don’t really understand relationships, mine doesn’t understand but he asks questions, he asks me about everything, this shows me that he cares, there are times when I know too much, he can’t just surprise me, I mean outside the bedroom, LOL, we are so honest with eachother that maybe other people would think we’re crazy, at Christmas or my birthday, I pretty much know what he’s going to do, I pretend to be so surprised, this makes him happy LOL When is he going to do it? For me I think that marriage promises should be honest. There is great potential for this love match to move on to marriage. We definitly have had our ups and downs, but I will tell you that my libra man is the best, I love him very much and I know he loves me and adores me like no other, he is very sweet and considerate, but I must warn you that Libra men like harmony, they do not like fighting, so if you want to keep your libra, you have to know that they are very simple people who just want to be loved as … When I married, it was against my instincts, I was pregnant and felt GUILTY….not a good reason to marry. Call her just to say you love her, with a Libra girl its affection that makes her melt….Flowers are nice too, but they dont have to be exenspensive, just romantic, pick them yourself right in front of her NOT FROM HER YARD LOL Some say it's better for the mate of an Aquarius to propose instead. Someone who accepts him despite his flaws, and doesn't throw his flaws in his face. The Aries sign doesn't like to sit around waiting when they already know the answer. Oh and an old Aquarius friend AND Sagitarrius friend who I both lost contact with found me and both expressed their love for me. A Pisces proposal will live in the eyes. It's too pedestrian to go with anything else. Depp then got himself hot and heavy over Amber Heard and had a tumultuous short marriage with her. He makes sure there is a 100% guarantee you'll say yes. This Unrealistic view on marriage is not true for all Libras. I want to propose to her and looking for a little feedback in this area. Libras are all for love and are one of the most couple-oriented signs. (but duh, thats disrespect to me). Moms know, especially a Scorpio mom. Pisces believes in the spiritual -- or the drug induced. You are never stuck. We all have a unique image of the perfect relationship, and therefore enter a real one with a set of expectations. We see eachother everyday now and its been great. He escapes from relationships when they start to feel encroaching. I will pray for deliverance from SATAN’s hold. As much as I love him I know that it will be a long time before I am ready for such a move. Your dream is finally coming true! Also, Scorpio women are prone to propose in relationships because they too want to move things along and get to the heart of the matter. It's really important to a Cancer that you are ready, that he has some magical consent contract, and also that you're willing to essentially merge with him. If you consider the symbol of Libra, you will know … You learn that expectation is a product of the mind, and that you can see your lover as the Beloved by just being with them as they are. Libra and Sagittarius in Marriage The Sagittarius is a great match for the Libra because on many levels, the Sagittarius and the Libra get along really well. He'll propose when he's ready, and it might be far slower than you wanted or anticipated. They aren’t meant to. The Libra man is charismatic and generous, and will always go out of his way to make sure the Pisces woman feels special, particularly early in the relationship ; The Pisces woman’s compassion means the Libra man has the rare chance to let his guard down and be vulnerable without fear of being judged; The bad points: The Pisces woman hates being apart from her Libra man… A sin to a Scorpio is to have passion and to withhold it. If your Aquarius boyfriend is showing no signs of creativity, then he likely isn't going to propose for a long time. It isn’t difficult trying to get the Libra man to marry you. I am giving you prophetic advance notice.. If you show no interest in his writings, art, music or whatever -- he probably isn't going to propose. He's a soul caught up in a song, in a recipe, in an art project, or the right kind of lighting. Is your partner allowed to have a close friend of the opposite gender who’s not gay? He has a little girl by her who is 4yrs old. I feel like we were born for each other, he knows how to make me smile and I know how to cool his fire when his temper gets him, what a grouch he would be if I didn’t intervene, and what a miserable being I would be if he didn’t make me laugh so much Leo is looking to determine whether his mate can be his ultimate buddy before he puts a ring on the finger. Pisces types are usually extremely intelligent, and they have found that intelligence through a unique process. It is our responsibility to fill those spaces that are empty in ourselves, not our spouses. I think his past cheating and lack of loving things made me feel this way. TO LIBRA: I was deeply in love with a libra man as well he was with me… We were together for almost 3 years. Something has to add up just right for a Pisces to decide marriage is the proper course. 2stuck libra girll Hey there I feel so bad for you.. The Libra isn't taking things for granted, but likes to be properly sorted. Hi Everyone But even if you’re polyamorous, rules are still necessary to make this arrangement work. Taurus is also shy to some degree about his feelings, so he needs someone who is a little louder to give him a push. I love him but I’m not ready for marriage again so quickly….It’s hard to explain how I feel when he states everything like this is the way it’s going to be. Trust me, he will continue to get worse until you completely cut him out of your life…if you dont feel strong enough to do it face to face…then just move in with your mom and cut your phone..change your number…I am so serious…the only people that can be with virgos are those who can continuously put them in their place because they will get out of hand as long as you allow it…and with them, as long as you havent left, you are allowing it.