They can and should be personalized in a way that is age-appropriate and has a specific goal in mind; be it to bring family members together, to help them communicate effectively, to express their emotions, and move toward constructive problem-solving. Is it your own decision to come here, or did someone else encourage you to do so? It allows for me build rapport, get to know the basics, and to explore a couple in-depth items, such as fears and worries. : Although we often come to therapy with a problem, we also come as persons who want to be heard and understood, who want to feel like we matter, who wish to learn self-compassion, and who want to find partnership in helping us heal and see ourselves and our life situation in a different light. Were there times when you were worried about any of your family members? DeRubeis, R. J., & Crits-Christoph, P. (1998). If yes, list your age when you were hospitalized and the reason. What is the best compliment you have received? Describe your level of satisfaction with intimacy in your relationship? Who do you think gets angry the most in the family? What effect did the teasing have on that person? Person completing form (relationship to the patient): Learning problems (needed special classes in school, learning disabilities, slow learner, brain damage), Hallucinations (hearing voices or seeing things that others don’t), Use illicit drugs (marijuana, heroin, cocaine, etc.). Levy, A. G., Scherer, A. M., Zikmund-Fisher, B. J., Larkin, K., Barnes, G. D., Fagerlin, A. Do I have a habit that I keep secret from others that causes me ongoing shame and life problems? The patient health questionnaire somatic, anxiety, and depressive symptom scales: a systematic review. Clients’ goals and preferences for the form and the level of interaction need to be taken into consideration. I’m mindful of how I’m presenting and what I’ll say during an intake. B., & Löwe, B. Schaefer, C., & Carey, L. (1994). The closest people in our lives influence in no small degree who we become as a person and shape our view of the world around us in significant ways we often underestimate. How much can you recall about what your partner did last week? There are always two points of view, both valid and right, from within each perception. How would you rate your communication skills; as negative, neutral, or positive? Have you ever seen a counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist? Rules of conduct are established and adhered to, roles assigned for leaders of the group, and room set up usually in a circle to encourage collaboration and everyone having a voice. There is no time more ridden with unanswered questions and throbbing with urgency as in our youth. Chamber of Commerce (KvK) My parents separated or divorced when I was_____. (other people tell you to drink less, legal issues, relationship problems)? Yalom, I. D. (1983). What qualities or strengths might they say you have? Has drinking alcohol ever caused problems for you? Many sessions start with reviews of progress and end with a recap of the activities. The most important questions in life can never be answered by anyone except oneself. It's important to know your availability and time commitment. Empirically supported individual and group psychological treatments for adult mental disorders — Journal. You've seen symptoms and felt mood shifts that are beyond control and noticeable to others. Are you able to pay bills, and keep track of money without help from other people? Ellis, A., & MacLaren, C. (1998). This state-of-the-art mental health application will transform the way you work with clients forever. How do you feel about coming here each week? Solution Focused Therapy has a very specific format for asking the client questions which keeps the client focused on the present and future. The seven principles for making marriage work: A practical guide from the country’s foremost relationship expert. If you’re. Listen as our host Gabe…. Are you able to shower, bathe, and groom yourself without help? What is it like for you right now – living in your family? What impact is your situation having on you? If your house was burning down, what one item would you grab and why? Is it okay to express your emotions in your family? You have an appointment with a counselor for your first therapy session and you don't know what to expect. Perhaps you could talk about some of the memories, both good and not so good. What would be the title of your autobiography? Now, thinking about those words, how do they relate to why you are here? Prevalence of and factors associated with patient nondisclosure of medically relevant information to clinicians. Preparing for the first session is an important step. Just as in individual therapy, clients often enact the same tendencies they bring to all their other relationships, and the client interaction within a group can often be a good reflection of how they show up in the relationships with other people in their lives (Yalom, 1983). What would the family member on your left like to get for their birthday? It removes the formality and allows for interaction to unfold in a non-threatening way that often brings out the best in all participants. (2010). List your age when you were hospitalized and the reason. 7 Questions Designed for the First Therapy Session, 15 Useful Therapy Questions to Ask Yourself, 20 Couples Therapy Questions Designed to Improve Relationships, 15 Therapeutic Questions for Group Therapy Discussions. Describe the most energizing moment, a real “high” from your professional life. If you could add, change, or cancel one rule in your school, what would it be? If you could change one rule that your family has, what would it be, and why? Have you ever been placed in a psychiatric hospital? Family Play Therapy, NJ: Aronson, 1994. The need to be right prevents us from actively listening to each other. The first session is primarily focused on gathering information and helps me get an idea of what ... talking about what prompted you to seek counseling, how the current issue or problem is impacting your life, and your goals for therapy. While the therapist is trained in delivering structure for the discussion and guiding the questions, the biggest benefit lies in the exchange between participants. A lot of feelings come up in a counseling session – and not just in the … If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what would it be and why? What is/was your relationship like with…? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. State‐Trait anxiety inventory. Is there something new that has happened in your life recently? An ICF certified coach and a Gottman Institute Certified Educator, Beata is on the Executive Committee for the Student Division of the International Positive Psychology Associations and has published and presented on subjects ranging the Flow Theory to learned helplessness. De Shazer, S., Berg, I. K., Lipchik, E. V. E., Nunnally, E., Molnar, A., Gingerich, W., & Weiner‐Davis, M. (1986). Dysfunctional communication patterns within the family can be identified and corrected through teaching family members how to listen, ask questions, and respond non-defensively. Inside Mental Health Podcast: Is Grieving a Lifelong Process? What would you do if you were hungry, and a lunch box was left open and unattended? It is also important to inquire how the client learns best and if they like to receive homework. The origin of everyday moods: managing energy, tension, and stress. What is the problem from your viewpoint? Could you please phrase your question a little differently to help me understand? How often are we meeting? Do You Want a Divorce? “The intake doesn’t begin in my office, but in the parking lot. Going to therapy means that you’ve made an important step toward recovery. For clients who need encouragement in opening up, it may be helpful to remark on their bravery in seeking therapy. For more common therapy questions, see our related post: Classic Therapy Questions Therapists Tend to Ask. There is no reason why we can’t have more of this type of healing conversations in our lives, but it is both an art and science and requires some practice. As the saying goes, if we ask good questions, we get better answers. Check any mental or emotional problems which you have: Check any problems below that apply to you: Your email address will not be published. What qualities do you bring to your family that is special or unique? Many different questions can be asked with the intention of getting a sense of your presenting concerns and goals. Here are 10 of the more typical questions a psychotherapist will ask to prime your mental pump for positive change during the counseling process. Or perhaps you're considering starting therapy, but don't know where to begin. Most of what happens in talk therapy are accomplished through the skillful use of questions, but only second to a lot of active listening. If you were born outside the USA, when did you come to this country? How many times have you been arrested or charged with a crime? It asks about family values, beliefs, and traditions, characteristics or habits of family members, particularly those relevant to your role: health issues, alcohol, and drug use, physical and mental health, violence, crime and trouble with the law, employment, education. Do I spend most of my time feeling worthless compared to others? Emotional intimacy is created when you know the honest answers to the questions above. Describe how you felt, and what made the situation possible. Perls, F., Hefferline, G., & Goodman, P. (1951). Communicating fundamental acceptance instead of rejection of the other person’s personality is therefore basic to all effective problem-solving. Asking questions (link to Learning counseling and problem-solving skills by Leslie E. Borck, Stephen B. Fawcett) - open and closed - is an important tool in the counseling kit.They can help a person open up or close them down. Inside Schizophrenia Podcast: Schizophrenia and Incarceration. If they’re doing their job right, they most definitely are not. How do you think others view you, and why? Psych Central is proud to host a number of weekly podcasts on a variety of mental health and topics relating to mental illness. You should expect to sign an informed consent form and may be asked to fill out an intake sheet like the one included above. Gandhiplein 16 Give two examples of communication with a teacher who accuses you of something you didn’t do. Lambert, M., & Barley, D. E. (2001). Jossey-Bass Publishers. Is my therapist judging me? Without being humble, describe what you value most about yourself and your work. Do I have a confidante that I can trust to be impartial? Below is a list of questions most frequently used in therapy with pre-teens to young adults, and which anyone might find interesting: One assessment tool that is particularly useful in work with young people with complex needs is the ecomap. Tell me about your different family members and how they express their emotions. For example, Appreciative Inquiry type of questions focuses on strengths and the propelling power our past successes can have on self-efficacy and motivation toward goal pursuit. How have you been coping with the problem (s) that brought you into therapy? The Netherlands We have put together this structured intake session checklist to help you prepare for your first coaching session. Although most therapists do not prescribe medication, many often partner with other medical professionals by making recommendations, particularly in instances where clients have been referred for therapy. Is there something you don’t enjoy about this group session? This number may change as the weeks go on and can either lessen or increase, but it's good to understand t… How many meetings do you think it will take to achieve your goals? How do you cultivate trust in your relationship? Leaders within the group are usually appointed and tasked with looking for commonalities among members and encouraging everyone to be supportive of each other. Depending on your situation, your therapist may want to meet anywhere from three times a week to once a month. Solution-focused brief therapy: 100 key points and techniques. A big focus is how all your counselling skills are used, but a lot of the marks are given to how you start and end your session. “Often, I don’t … 10 Useful Questions for Counselors to Ask ... What have you been thinking and perhaps doing since our previous session? How do we cope with those unfavorable odds? Give an example. What helped get you through it? What do you think is the most important job in the world? Establishing a mutual agreement and setting expectations for the engagement is crucial to making progress. Robert L. Spitzer, Janet B.W. Beata Souders is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology at CalSouth and MA in Creative Writing at SNHU, she holds a Master's degree in Positive Psychology from Life University. The value of deep, probing questions need not be reserved for the therapy session. Thayer, R. E. (1997). Required fields are marked *, About So what should you expect from your first appointment with a counselor, social worker or psychologist? a. Why? Open Questions. How does your relationship affect your levels of joy? Tell us two or three words that best describe you. Closing the First Session. Assessing these factors, while it may seem complicated at first, is nevertheless worth the time. Inquiring if the client achieved the results they sought, and if they have been successful in maintaining them outside of the therapeutic relationship can also provide valuable insight into their motivation for change. What is one word you would use to describe your family, and why? This could include things such as your occupation, your academic background, and what your hobbies are. The first session will incorporate a therapist asking basic marriage counseling session questions. Open questions are questions that do not have a "yes" or "no" answer. Just as your client may be wondering how the appointment will go, considering what to talk about first, and filling out any pre-session intake forms, you may also want to spend some time getting ready. And in a negative way? While it addresses exploration of issues very much in the same way as individual therapy does, it also serves the purpose of finding ourselves in the environment where we feel less isolated from other people because many of those in the room will share similar struggles. Having a few of your questions about the process answered prior to a first session lessens the amount of … What relationship have you been in that you judged to be a failure? Unpublished manuscript, Uni. If you could give one gift to every child in the world, what would it be and why? If someone’s underwear was showing, would you tell them? Taxation (VAT) Number: NL855806813B01, Impact Publishers. The therapist wants to know if there’s something going on in your life that... 2. This article surveys different approaches to asking therapeutic questions meant for both practitioners and their clients and gives examples of how the quality of questions we ask can improve our lives. This is usually the first thing I ask. Step One: Intake It is useful to collect some basic information at the start of the first session, such as the number of years the couple has been together, the current living situation, special health issues, prior counseling experiences, employment, and special interests. What calms you down when you get angry or upset? What is your relationship forecast for both now and in the future? The genogram is one such tool used in family therapy. Kroenke, K., Spitzer, R. L., Williams, J. Why don’t we start by spending a few minutes talking about the benefits of group therapy and what, Let’s go around and have each member tell us what you expect to get out of the group. Therapy is about the fine art of asking directive questions. CAVE: Content analysis of verbatim explanations. Here are some of the questions you may be asked and why: 1. Dozois, D. J., Covin, R., & Hersen, M. (2004). , Your email address will not be published. Many of these questions will be more of a discussion than a direct answer. Peterson, C., Semmel, A., Von Baeyer, C., Abramson, L. Y., Metalsky, G. I., & Seligman, M. E. (1982). JAMA Network Open, 1(7):e185293. Who provides the most support in your life? Most group therapies are done in a round-robin discussion format. You will have a lot of feelings. Learn more about the different types of therapy, what to expect from your first appointment, what questions to ask your therapist, and more. What is your most significant vulnerability or Achilles heel in relationships? Inside Mental Health Podcast: Understanding Self-Injury, Inside Mental Health Podcast: Recognizing Suicidal Behavior, Inside Mental Health: A Psych Central Podcast, I Think This Is Bipolar Disorder: All the Facts, Timothy J. Legg, PhD, PsyD, CRNP, ACRN, CPH. Handbook of solution-focused brief therapy. Following the question is an example of what it might sound like. If the client has seen a counselor before, it can prove very valuable to inquire further about their previous experience in therapy by asking about frequency, duration, and issues discussed during their previous engagements, as well as, what is one thing they remember most that a former counselor has told them. Toronto, ON: Champion Press. This can be challenging as questions like "what do I need to say, and how do I do so in a way that is respectful to the client?" Why were you worried? Think back through your career. What is Music Therapy and How Does It Work? What is something that you did that you are proud of? Registration Number: 64733564 Kaslow, N. J., Tannenbaum, R. L., & Seligman, M. E. P. (1978). Hi Maria, In today’s episode we learn more…, Inside Mental Health Podcast: Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and over three times more people will die by suicide…, Inside Mental Health is an award-winning weekly podcast that approaches psychology and mental health in an accessible way. Thank you for sharing your therapy intake form and discussing how up to 81% of patients withhold medically relevant information! What was your grade average in high school? All rights reserved. Do you think guys/girls talk differently online than they do in person? In your opinion, what is the best song ever written? Or who really don’t get along? Wings for Our Children: Essentials of Becoming a Play Therapist, Toronto, ON: Burnstown Publisher. How do you feel about using good advice to grow from? (2018). The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he’s one who asks the right questions. Get all the facts on bipolar disorder here. Creative Family Therapy Techniques: Play, Art, and Expressive Activities to Engage Children in Family Sessions. What do you like best about this session? This information will be integrated into your medical record so don’t be surprised if [primary care provider] asks you how this aspect of your health care plan is going for you. Types of Counselling Questions. They may require some reflection, some examination of values, and perhaps some writing, if only to organize one’s thoughts. The start of a counseling relationship, just like any new relationship can feel scary, especially for a child entering an environment they’re not familiar with. Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. Are there members of your extended family that you feel close to or feel that you have something in common with? Example of more complex sample sessions are available elsewhere but are beyond the scope of student, volunteer and new counselors. Lowenstein, L. (2010). Aside from general questions, the counselor will also ask about your life situation. Another important form of self-inquiry is to ask yourself those questions that we can’t answer honestly in the presence of anyone else, those probing and burning questions that we can often only answer for ourselves. – Nicole | Community Manager. An important aspect for gaging clients’ engagement in the process of therapy is asking them about what went right, or what didn’t turn out the way they would have liked in their previous therapeutic engagement, as this can point to where they place the sense of responsibility for their situation. Duncan, B. L., Hubble, M. A., & Miller, S. D. (1996). Where else might you have been at this moment if you hadn’t come to this group session today? I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned. Other examples of questions that can point to the tone and the flow of future communications can be fashioned after the following: A 2018 study that analyzed records from their health-care providers showed that approximately 81.1% of people withheld medically relevant information from their doctors, 45.7% of adults avoided telling their providers that they disagreed with their care recommendations, and 81.8% of adults withheld information because they didn’t want to be lectured or judged (Levy, Scherer, Zikmund-Fisher, Larkin, Barnes, & Fagerlin).