Does it describe a strength or a weakness of federalism? They wished to preserve state autonomy, although not to a degree that prevented the states from working together collectively or made them entirely independent of the will of the national government. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the UK constitution A constitution is a set of rules relating to how a state is to be governed and organised. Test. adrienne_3106. Strengths of the Constitution. However, it had major flaws that contributed to its downfall in 1933-34. Forming the Constitution: Compromises and Weaknesses Any nationwide endeavor across the world over is always faced with a myriad of challenges when one factor in, the interest of different individuals or groups. Flashcards. A real world situation this brought to mind was that if the U.S, Army falls, they would have the power to One major weakness was that major decisions required approval by nine out of thirteen states rather than a majority. 26 September 2007. The republic had many democratic strengths. This granted the right to free speech, the right to equality and the right to religion to every German … Start studying Articles of Confederation: Strengths and Weaknesses. Evidence comes in the form of the limited number of amendments since 1787. 5. This process tacks on amendments to the end of the constitution, rather than being able to modify the original text. PLAY. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Amendments Process: Change can come to the Constitution, but protections are in place to protect it from political whims and mass public hysteria. Counties were created. There was only one vote per state, regardless of its size. Start studying strengths and weaknesses in constitution. The Weimar Republic was established as a representative democracy which aimed to give genuine power to all German adults. Legislative body too powerful. This states that it "Gives Congress its powers, including: to establish and maintain an army an navy...". Sovereignty is with the constitution and its major principles are entrenched, safe from interference from a temporary government. Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Constitution 1292 Words | 6 Pages. Fifty-five delegates arrived in Philadelphia in May 1787 for the meeting that became known as the Constitutional Convention. Spell. The original portions of the Constitution, which included the Bill of Rights when ratified, are very specific about certain topics but vague about most others. Type of government where the central ... B. Constitution 13. This inflexibility of the Constitution is both a source of its strengths and weaknesses. Read each description of federalism. Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Articles Of Confederation. National government didn't have power to tax. A weakness in the US Constitution. Many wanted to strengthen the role and authority of the national government but feared creating a central government that was too powerful. While seeking to protect the rights of individ… Start studying Strengths and weaknesses of Constitution. Some of the strengths and weaknesses of the following traditional types of government include: Monarchy • Advantage: In a monarchy, decisions … Congress was also in charge of Postal service and coining money. It is crucial as historians to be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution. PLAY. Learn. The Articles of Confederation were a written agreement and the first constitution of the United States of America. Match. This can be either a boon or a hindrance. The constitution has been amended 27 times, 10 of which are the Bill of Rights adopted in 1791. Strengths and Weaknesses. The United States Constitution has many strengths and weaknesses. by. Any changes to Articles required unanimous vote leading to long delays in implementation. Congress struggled to pay off America’s debts or establish a … It is simply not enough to blame the constitution in itself as a way to describe the failure of the Weimar Republic. The government wasn't running smoothly, and by 1786 leaders met to discuss the weaknesses and other issues with the Articles of Confederation at the Annapolis Convention of 1786. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. Gravity. Strength. Write. The first strength we have found is in Article 1, Section 8 A. It allowed individual freedoms for everyone. Revenue came from states. Get an answer for 'Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, and explain how they contributed to the creation of a new US constitution in 1787.' The weaknesses of the document nearly caused collapse in the United States, and resulted in the Constitutional Convention which created the Constitution that ultimately resolved these problems. It had its strengths and weaknesses while wanting to protect individual liberty and promote the common good of the people. The nature of the document’s entrenchment is both its greatest strength and weakness, as any action taken by the government cannot be in conflict with the laws of the constitution, even if it acts in the interests of wider society. Learn. Label each line with an S for strength or W for weakness.