Have I lacked perspective? What do I believe in? The goal was to keep it simple. Am I genuine in making my amends, or do I have hidden motives, such as to gain acceptance or love from someone else, or to prove them wrong and me right? How Do You Complete This Step? These worksheets are primarily a list of questions for each step where you can write out your own personal answers to the questions for a given step. In what ways am I an extreme example of self-will run riot? What actions will I take to follow through on my decision to turn my life over to a higher power? Then for each item or person on the list note the name and: 1 … How has this behavior/attitude affected my relationships? I pray for patience sometimes, but I see my higher power has a sense of humor, because lord, do they make me call on my patience! Examples: I drink to excess. newcomer? Have I sought help from my sponsor, gone to meetings, and reached out to other recovering alcoholics? In what ways are my troubles of my own making? Hit enter to search or ESC to close. Why is it okay to have a different higher power from everyone else? Today have I allowed myself to become too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired? Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. There are four sections to the Fourth Step, each with a corresponding worksheet you may fill out. unavailable when needed? We hope it will assist you in completing your personal inventory. Am I listing all those behaviors and parts of myself that I had vowed would never see the light of day? How do I take action to turn my will and my life over to my higher power on a daily basis? Talk with your sponsor and other group members about how these amends might be made. 12 Step Workbooks Free downloadable workbooks Sober and active in The Program since 2/6/1957, Al Kohalek, has used his experience in our program to create these … Be specific. Step 5 of Alcoholics Anonymous teaches you that you can be forgiven for your shortcomings and also forgive others who have hurt you. In what ways are my defects really basic human traits that have been distorted by my own self-centeredness? In addition to doing these worksheets, read: • Alcoholics Anonymous (the "Big Book"), Chapter 1 (16 pages) • Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions (the "12 & 12"), Step 1 (4 pages) • Hazelden Step 1 Guide , first 14 pages. (45:2) What does the term „practice‟ mean to me? What does it mean to me to practice? Have many of my thought-habits brought nothing but pain and degradation to my life? The fourth column, ‘Wrongs’ section will be of particular use. You’ll feel a huge weight lifted once you confide in another. Have I been letting up on my spiritual program of action and resting on my laurels? How may I practice spiritual principles, such as compassion, regardless of how I feel? (12&12 64: 2)]. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. Why are defects of character in Step 6 called shortcomings in Step 7? AA Morning Step Work This Trigger List is designed for newcomers or anyone who has never written down those things that might trigger either drinking, drugging or acting out in a way that hurts them or others. What fears or reservations do I have about turning my life over? All page numbers in this Fourth Step Inventory Workshop, Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time? Have I asked other recovering alcoholics to help me by sharing their experience, strength, and hope in this matter of prayer and meditation? Read our COVID-19 policy and procedure here. Still serious, but not life threatening. I just wanted to say hey to everyone and anyone. For now, my higher power is all life's connection, the universe, Love, and Xena: Warrior Princess. Who or what makes my decisions for me in recovery? We always attempt to reveal a picture with high resolution or with perfect images. AA's Step 7: Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings. Can I see the many faces of my fear (my defects) and not deny or overlook them? What are they? Which thoughts and behaviors am I willing to turn over right now? Have I harmed others, directly, or indirectly, today? Anybody, or any institutions you have harmed, add to a list. How would my day look if I were to turn my will and my life over to the care of a higher power of my understanding? These 4th Step Worksheets and A.A Fourth Study Guides are distilled right out of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous! What have I done to explore my own spirituality? How is my self-centered fear the chief activator of my character defects? Note that this book is not an official Alcoholics Anonymous material. What about financial amends? "healthy, whole" Insanity is a lack of proportion, of the ability to think straight, and crazy is an appalling lack of perspective. May I practice trust and being worthy, by practicing being responsible? In what ways does my insanity say that things outside myself can make me whole or fix all my problems? How have I sought help from a higher power today? I was given the gift of abstinence. Do I maintain a crisis mentality, reacting to every challenge as a personal insult? What is this message that is referred to in Step 12? Write about your will and how it has gotten in the way of your recovery. Have I ceased fighting anything or anyone – even alcohol? Has my spiritual malady been overcome; have I straightened out mentally (meaning the obsession of the mind that takes me to a drink)? We are a recognised Central Service Office. Can I believe that I can get well? I cannot stop when I want to. Working the first eleven Steps will assure us of having a personality change, a shift in our perception sufficient to cause a spiritual awakening. ... How to do Step 4 in the 12 Steps of AA and our favorite 4th step inventory worksheet. Step One. Do I owe amends to anyone who is dead? How may I deeply wish that others, including myself, may be happy, joyous, and free? Fifth Step Guide “Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.” In Step Four we made a searching and fearless and moral inventory of the acquired character defects. Has my sense of perspective been out of proportion lately? How does my surrender deepen in this step? Which unhealthy behaviors do I seem to repeat over and over? We are truly just trying our best. When and how has my mind told me that one drink will not hurt? Printable Worksheet by Bang Mus Printable Aa Step Worksheets – Printable worksheets need to be of terrific use to all. Which of my defects have I had most of my life, and are like survival skills? Do I ask a higher power of my understanding to remove these at once, because I am now watching and I am starting to be awake? 1.Column 1: “We reviewed our own conduct over the years past.” (Complete column 1 from top to bottom. Am I prepared to take an active role in the new and healthier world that I am now a part of? The basic process is to read the section, then fill out the worksheet… What lasting changes have resulted from my spiritual awakening? If we did Step Four thoroughly, one of the by- What is my understanding of my own sanity and insanity? Which am I holding on to? How do my higher power and I communicate? How may I clear away my insistence that I want or I need something, and let things be? These defects, when the In what ways has my disease been active recently? Getting Started . So I stopped. Do I turn that force of my self-willfulness toward good for others? How does the spiritual principle of surrender apply to getting out of the way so a higher power of my understanding can work in my life? Skip to content. Reveal your most distressing and tormenting memories to another person—most likely your sponsor. How may I grow to have “solution-based” thinking? I am writing about step 12, because I am beginning to work with others on a temporary basis. "When we accept ourselves, we can accept others into our lives, unconditionally probably for the first time.". What was special about that person that I might be able to use in planning my amends? How have I been self-centered? I mean, I drank for 30 years. Big Book (PDF) 12 & 12 (PDF) Big Book Study Guide (PDF) Joe and Charlie Big Book Study (ZIP/MP3) 12 Step Overview Worksheet (PDF) Step 1 Worksheet (PDF) Step 4 Worksheet (PDF) Step 4 Inventory (PDF) More Help.